Parent node: Uniform Resource Name (URN)
Technical information
URN notation: | urn:x-viathinksoft |
Type: | Experimental (RFC 3406) |
In accordiance with RFC3406, ViaThinkSoft uses the URN namespace "urn:x-viathinksoft:", whereas "x-" stands for an unregistered experimental URN.
Registration Authority
The RA is not registered in the database.
Subordinate objects
Alternative Identifiers
Identifier | Description |
aid:D276000186B20005005E3AD61EF48F7B (No PIX allowed) | OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) |
guid:005e3ad6-4e09-8000-8779-49329620e0d7 | OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) |
mac:D2-3E-1E-F4-8F-7B | OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI) |
mac:D3-3E-1E-F4-8F-7B | OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI) |
oid: | OIDplus Information Object OID |
x500dn:/dc=com/dc=example/cn=oidplus/ | OIDplus Information Object X.500 DN |