Register a free OID

Currently 191 free OIDs have been registered. Please enter your email below to receive a free OID.


Terms of Service

  • Who can register a free OID?
  • This service is mainly intended to give private persons, small workgroups, and software developers of freeware, shareware or open-source software the possibility of obtaining a free Object Identifier (OID) with minimum bureaucratic overhead.
  • You may only register one OID per person. You can assign an infinite amount of sub-OIDs to yourself using your root OID. Instead of using your new generated OID directly for a specific purpose, we recommend you to delegate a sub-OID for each purpose. Following this strategy, you will only require one root OID assigned to you.
  • Please only register an OID if you are sure that you need an OID namespace.
  • To ensure that you get an appropriate OID namespace for your needs, please read the following points carefully:
    • If you are representing a company, you should consider registering an OID in arc instead (more information).
    • If you only need an OID for an example in a document, please use the OID 2.999 (no registration required).
    • If you want to extend the Active Directory schema, please consider obtaining an OID from Microsoft instead (more information).
    • If you are representing a country, you should consider registering an OID under arc 1.2 (deprecated) or 2.16 (recommended) instead (more information).
    • If you are representing a telecom operator, you should consider registering an OID in arc 0.2 instead (more information).
    • If you are representing a network operator, you should consider registering an OID in arc 0.3 instead (more information).

  • How does the registration work?
  • You simply need to enter a valid email address to which an activation link will be sent. To get the OID assigned, you need to click the link in the automatically generated email and then enter your name, which is the only mandatory field. No human intervention from our side is performed during the whole process and the OID will be immediately assigned.
  • You can either enter your personal name, the name of your workgroup, or a nickname. Names like "Anonymous" or "John Doe" are not permitted and will lead to the loss of the OID registration, especially if it turns out that the e-mail address was a "trash" address.

  • Which data will be published after registration?
  • You agree that your OID including your email address will be published in this public registry as well as in and other public services.
  • A registered OID can never be unregistered or reassigned. It will always stay visible to the public.
  • Sub-OIDs that you create in this OIDplus system will automatically be transferred to, unless you mark the sub-OIDs as private during the creation - then it stays invisible for the public.

  • Where can I manage my OID?
  • During registration you will be asked to choose a password, which can be used to login on OIDplus system.
  • Please choose a strong password and keep it secretly!
  • The data you entered can be changed at any time with the password you provide during registration at OIDplus.
  • We would be happy if you would use OIDplus to manage your newly created sub-OIDs. You can decide whether these newly created OIDs are publicly visible or not.

  • Under which arc will your OID be registered?
  • Your new OID will be registered in arc which has the ASN.1 notation { { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 freeoid(9000) } } and the OID-IRI notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/37476/FreeOID
  • You cannot choose a favorite arc number for your OID. You will receive a sequencial number.
  • This automated Registration Authority does not assign alphanumeric identifiers or Internationalized Resource Identifier (IRI) names since this system is fully automated and only the email address will be verified.

If you have any questions or if you encounter bugs or problems, please contact

Note: Since September 2022, owners of FreeOID automatically receive a free ISO-7816 compliant Application Identifier (AID) with the format D2:76:00:01:86:F0:(FreeOID):FF:(PIX) (up to 64 bits application specific PIX, depending on the length of the FreeOID number). - More information

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Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Object Identifier (OID)
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4 Network Blocks
ipv6: | IPv6 Network Blocks
domain: | Domain Names
fourcc: | Four-Character-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)
mac: | MAC adresses (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP Namespaces
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:rest_api_documentation | REST API Documentation
oidplus:login | Login
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Register a free OID
oidplus:search | Search
oidplus:resources | Documents and Resources
oidplus:contact | Contact administrator