OID-Info.com API for PHP

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Technical information

Dot notation:
ASN.1 notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 products(2) oidinfo-api(58) }
OID-IRI notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/37476/Products/58
WEID notation: weid:pen:SX0-2-1M-1
DER encoding: 06:0A:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A4:64:02:3A


OID-Info.com API for PHP

Registration Authority

Daniel Marschall
E-Mail: info@daniel-marschall.de
Daniel Marschall

The RA does not want to publish their personal information.

Subordinate objects

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (comma sep.) IRI IDs (comma sep.) RA Comment Created Updated
No items available

Alternative Identifiers

(No PIX allowed)
OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
(Optional PIX allowed, without prefix)
Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
(No PIX allowed)
Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
guid:005e3ad6-4798-8000-a6d3-279ec48d205dOIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) More information
guid:8819d7af-45f9-3284-bc49-d3ff8231c21eName based version 3 / MD5 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:e768a258-0d73-5527-b629-e544464567c6Name based version 5 / SHA1 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:52-06-1E-C7-24-08OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI)
mac:53-06-1E-C7-24-08OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI)
weid:pen:SX0-2-1M-1WEID notation More information
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

REST API (Documentation)

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Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Object Identifier (OID)
     oid: | -- Products
          oid: | -- OID-Info.com API for PHP
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4 Network Blocks
ipv6: | IPv6 Network Blocks
domain: | Domain Names
fourcc: | Four-Character-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)
mac: | MAC adresses (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP Namespaces
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:login | Login
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Register a free OID
oidplus:search | Search
oidplus:resources | Documents and Resources
oidplus:contact | Contact administrator