JWT Secret Server Hash

Go back Parent node: OIDplus makeAuthKey / makeSecret realms (oidplus/authRealms)

Technical information

UUID: bb1aebd6-fe6a-11ed-a553-3c4a92df8582
C++ notation: { 0xbb1aebd6, 0xfe6a, 0x11ed, { 0xa5, 0x53, 0x3c, 0x4a, 0x92, 0xdf, 0x85, 0x82 } }
Variant: [0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz) / DCE 1.1
Version: [0x1] Time-based with unique host identifier
Timestamp: [0x1edfe6abb1aebd6] 2023-05-29 21:49:47'7445590 GMT
Clock ID: [0xa553] 9555
Node ID: [0x3c4a92df8582] 3C-4A-92-DF-85-82
Input: 3C-4A-92-DF-85-82
Type: EUI-48 (Extended Unique Identifier)
EUI-48 or MAC-48: 3C-4A-92-DF-85-82
EUI-64: 3C-4A-92-FF-FF-DF-85-82 (MAC-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)
3C-4A-92-FF-FE-DF-85-82 (EUI-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)
3E-4A-92-FF-FE-DF-85-82 (MAC/EUI-48 to Modified EUI-64 Encapsulation)
IPv6-Link-Local address: fe80::3e4a:92ff:fedf:8582
Administration type (U/L flag): [0] Universally Administered Address (UAA)
Transmission type (I/G flag): [0] Unicast (Individual)


The JWT additionally contains a member oidplus_ssh = OIDplus::authUtils()->makeSecret(["bb1aebd6-fe6a-11ed-a553-3c4a92df8582"] (SSH = Server Secret Hash) with the sole purpose of allowing to invalidate all issued JWT by changing the server secret. (This would be more secure than the Blacklist feature, since changing the server secret) also invalidates JWT which might have been maliciously postdated).

Registration Authority

E-Mail: oidra@viathinksoft.de
Daniel Marschall

Alternative Identifiers

(No PIX allowed)
OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
mac:E2-46-C6-A0-DC-8AOIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI)
mac:E3-46-C6-A0-DC-8AOIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI)
oid: Information Object OID
oid:2.25.248705418329922233241993869931501815170OID representation of UUID (ISO/ITU-T 128 bits)
oid:1.2.840.113556.1.8000.2554.47898.60374.65130.4589.42323.3951250.14648706OID representation of UUID (Microsoft)
oid: representation of UUID (Waterjuice 2x64 bits)
oid: representation of UUID (Waterjuice 4x32 bits)
oid: representation of UUID (Waterjuice 8x16 bits)
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

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          guid:bb1aebd6-fe6a-11ed-a553-3c4a92df8582 | -- JWT Secret Server Hash
     guid:oidplus/authRealms | -- OIDplus makeAuthKey / makeSecret realms
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