MAC (OUI/EUI or CID/ELI) address based AID

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D276000186 F 2


D276000186F2   ISO/IEC 7816 Application Identifier (AID)
               > D2:76:00:01:86:F2 <
D276000186     Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID)
D              Category D: Local/National registration
 276           ISO/IEC 3166-1 Numeric Country code : 276 (Germany)
    000186     Assigned number, BCD recommended
          F2   Proprietary application identifier extension (PIX)


MAC (or OUI/EUI or CID/ELI) address based AID (up to 52 application-specific bits)

You can generate AIDs using a company identification (OUI or CID) or using an NUI (an NUI-48 is a 48-bit NUI that is an EUI-48, ELI-48, SAI-48, or. AAI-48).

New definition as of 3 December 2023


D2 76 00 01 86 F2 + Size (1 nibble) + ELI/EUI/OUI/CID/... (1-16 nibbles BigEndian binary) + "F" padding if nibble count is odd + [ application-defined bits ]

The "size" nibble defines the length of the identifier (ELI/EUI/...): 

  • 0 = 4-bit identifier (1 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 16 Nibble PIX)
  • 1 = 8-bit identifier (2 Nibble identifier + optional 16 Nibble PIX)
  • 2 = 12-bit identifier (3 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 14 Nibble PIX)
  • 3 = 16-bit identifier (4 Nibble identifier + optional 14 Nibble PIX)
  • 4 = 20-bit identifier (5 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 12 Nibble PIX)
  • 5 = 24-bit identifier (6 Nibble identifier + optional 12 Nibble PIX), e.g. a pure OUI (MA-L), or CID
  • 6 = 28-bit identifier (7 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 10 Nibble PIX), e.g. a pure MA-M
  • 7 = 32-bit identifier (8 Nibble identifier + optional 10 Nibble PIX), e.g. CDI-32
  • 8 = 36-bit identifier (9 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 8 Nibble PIX), e.g. a pure OUI-36 (MA-S)
  • 9 = 40-bit identifier (10 Nibble identifier + optional 8 Nibble PIX), e.g. CDI-40 (deprecated), or TCDI-40
  • A = 44-bit identifier (11 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 6 Nibble PIX)
  • B = 48-bit identifier (12 Nibble identifier + optional 6 Nibble PIX), e.g. a EUI-48, or ELI-48
  • C = 52-bit identifier (13 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 4 Nibble PIX)
  • D = 56-bit identifier (14 Nibble identifier + optional 4 Nibble PIX)
  • E = 60-bit identifier (15 Nibble identifier + "F" + optional 2 Nibble PIX), e.g. a EUI-60 (deprecated)
  • F = 64-bit identifier (16 Nibble identifier + optional 2 Nibble PIX), e.g. a EUI-64, or ELI-64

Next comes the identifier. It can be any MAC-based identifier between 1 nibble (4-bit) and 16 nibbles (64-bit), but they must be defined by the IEEE and must be unique and unambiguous, because a non-unique MAC-based identifier cannot be encoded into an unique AID.

Examples of IEEE identifiers are:

  • IEEE Registrations
    • CID***
    • OUI (MA-L)
    • MA-M*
    • OUI-36 (MA-S)
    • IAB (deprecated)
  • EUI (OUI + Vendor part)
    • EUI-48 / MAC-48** (deprecated term)
    • EUI-60 (deprecated)
    • EUI-64
  • ELI*** (CID + Vendor part)
    • ELI-48
    • ELI-64
  • CDI (OUI + Vendor part)
    • CDI-32 
    • CDI-40 (deprecated)
    • TCDI-40
  • Not possible:
    • OUI-22 (deprecated) is not possible, since there is no 22-bit size option.
    • CDI-30 (deprecated) is not possible, since there is no 30-bit size option.
    • AAI are NOT allowed, because they are not worldwide unique.
  • SAI may only be used if it is worldwide unique (depending on the IEEE standard defining the SAI).

* IEEE recommends not to use the 28-bit identifier MA-M to identify a company, but we don't see any reason why not to do it, since the MA-M prefix is unique and unambiguous.

** You can generate an AID using the MAC of your network card, but then you must make sure that nobody else can use that network card, otherwise they could use it to generate an AID that you have previously defined. In other words: If you have created an AID using your MAC address, then you will lose the permission to use the AID namespace once you give/sell the network card to someone else.

*** IEEE defines "Administrator CIDs" (e.g. 3AA3F8, CA30BF, 4A07D6, FA94F1) which are not assigned exclusively, to allow local administrators to create ELIs. These CIDs and their constructed ELIs must not be used to create an AID, because the resulting AID will be ambiguous!

In the end, you can append an optional PIX to the AID.


  1. If you want to use a 6-byte MAC address (MAC-48, used for network devices), a EUI-48 address (used for other devices and software), or an ELI-48 as an identifier:
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B1 12 23 34 45 56 6F           = EUI-48/ELI-48 11:22:33:44:55:66, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B1 12 23 34 45 56 6F __ __ __  = EUI-48/ELI-48 address 11:22:33:44:55:66, with 0-24 bits application-specific part
  2. If you have a EUI-64 (based on OUI) or ELI-64 (based on CID):
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 F1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 8F     = EUI-64/ELI-64 address 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 F1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 8F __  = EUI-64/ELI-64 address 11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88, with 0-8 bits application-specific part
  3. You can also merely use an OUI/MA-L, MA-M, OUI-36/MA-S, IAB, or CID as an identifier:
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 51 23 45 6F                    = OUI (MA-L) 123456, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 51 23 45 6F __ __ __ __ __ __  = OUI (MA-L) 123456, with 0-48 bits application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 61 23 45 67                    = MA-M 1234567, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 61 23 45 67 __ __ __ __ __ __ = MA-M 1234567, with 0-48 bits application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 81 23 45 67 89                 = OUI-36 (MA-S) 123456789, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 81 23 45 67 89 __ __ __ __ __ = OUI-36 (MA-S) 123456789, with 0-40 bits application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B0 05 0C 21 23 45 6F           = IAB before September 2012 (00-50-C2) 123456, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B0 05 0C 21 23 45 6F __ __ __ = IAB before September 2012 (00-50-C2) 123456, with 0-24 bits application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B4 0D 85 51 23 45 6F           = IAB after September 2012 (40-D8-55) 123456, without application-specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 B4 0D 85 51 23 45 6F __ __ __ = IAB after September 2012 (40-D8-55) 123456, with 0-24 bits application-specific part
  4. Although CID cannot be used to generate a UAA MAC address, the CID is still unique and cannot overlap with OUI, so CID (an ELI) can be still used to create a unique AID.
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 51 A2 34 5F                    = CID 1A2345, without application specific part
    D2 76 00 01 86 F2 51 A2 34 5F __ __ __ __ __ __ = CID 1A2345, with 0-48 bits application specific part

Registration Authority

The superior RA did not define a RA for this Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816).

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ID RA Comment Created Updated
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Alternative Identifiers

guid:005e3ad6-4b3b-8000-a571-2d96395f6d7fOIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) More information
mac:B2-B6-CA-F1-21-7EOIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI)
mac:B3-B6-CA-F1-21-7EOIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI)
oid: Information Object OID
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

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     aid:D276000186F | -- &quot;Foreign&quot; AID group
          aid:D276000186F2 | -- MAC (OUI/EUI or CID/ELI) address based AID
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