R74n Wikibase property

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Technical information

Dot notation:
ASN.1 notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 61117 x-property(11) }
OID-IRI notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/61117/11
WEID notation: weid:pen:1B5P-B-8
DER encoding: 06:09:2B:06:01:04:01:83:DD:3D:0B


Child OIDs represent properties on R74n Wikibase by their PIDs.

Registration Authority

R74n OID Registration Authority
E-Mail: contact@R74n.com

Subordinate objects

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (comma sep.) IRI IDs (comma sep.) RA Comment Created Updated
1 1 instance-of
2 2 subclass-of
3 3 has-part
4 4 part-of
5 5 different-from
6 6 url
7 7 start-date
8 8 end-date
9 9 developed-by
10 A published-by
11 B icon-url
12 C social-media-account
13 D named-after
14 E name
15 F url-formatter
16 G release-date
17 H user-manual-url
18 I changelog-url
19 J feedback-url
20 K image-url
21 L has-quality
22 M username
23 N wiki-url
24 O terms-of-service-url
25 P subproperty-of
26 Q identifier
27 R invite-url
28 S hashtag
29 T owner
30 U creator
31 V mirror-url
32 W clarification-text
33 X embed-url
34 Y urban-dictionary-term
35 Z artist
36 10 item-represented
37 11 subtitle
38 12 external-url
39 13 about-page-url
41 15 search-url-formatter
42 16 slug
43 17 forum-url
44 18 catalog-url
45 19 giant-bomb-id
46 1A internet-archive-id
47 1B external-definition-url
48 1C fandom-article-id
49 1D mod-list-url
50 1E donation-url
51 1F igdb-id
52 1G unit-converter-id
53 1H combines-lexemes
54 1I numerical-value
55 1J has-property
56 1K qualifier
57 1L color-code
58 1M google-knowledge-graph-id
59 1N creator-string
60 1O date
61 1P quora-topic-id
62 1Q source-code-repo-url
63 1R sitemap-url
64 1S stylesheet-url
65 1T map-url
66 1U unit-conversion
67 1V vglist-id
68 1W archive-url
69 1X safety-checker-url
70 1Y similarweb-id
71 1Z derived-from-lexeme
72 20 r74n-wikibase-category
73 21 of
74 22 example-item
75 23 download-url
76 24 replaces
77 25 replaced-by
78 26 price
79 27 coordinate-location
80 28 location
81 29 depth
82 2A length
83 2B width
84 2C height
85 2D discord-username
86 2E cover-image-url
87 2F video-url
88 2G language-code
89 2H creates
90 2I lower-state
91 2J higher-state
92 2K used-in-elements
93 2L temperature
94 2M members
95 2N r74n-wikibase-page-name
96 2O r74n-wikibase-query
97 2P entity-schema
98 2Q made-through
99 2R components
100 2S opposite
101 2T
102 2U hello-in-language
103 2V added-feature
104 2W minimum-value
105 2X maximum-value
106 2Y density
107 2Z follows
108 30 followed-by
109 31 data-type
110 32 value-data-type
111 33 unit-of-value
112 34 option
113 35 elemental-on-discord-element-id
114 36 position-on-leaderboard
115 37 has-amount
116 38 removed-feature
117 39 winner
118 3A candidate
119 3B votes-received
120 3C archived-on
121 3D downvotes-received
122 3E uploader
123 3F date-of-birth
124 3G date-of-death
125 3H date-of-discovery
126 3I abstain-votes-received
127 3J based-on
128 3K quotation
129 3L featured-on
130 3M main-subject
131 3N language
132 3O imager
133 3P colorer
134 3Q commenter
135 3R with-quantities-of
136 3S r74n-link-shortener-id
138 3U creation-message-id
139 3V allowed-roles-or-users
140 3W permission
141 3X has-role
142 3Y has-use
143 3Z attested-in
144 40 tweet-id
145 41 tiktok-video-id
146 42 links-to
147 43 cradle-id
148 44 key-bind
149 45 emanation-coordinates
150 46 alexa-com-id
151 47 depicts
152 48 interested-in
153 49 preferred-channel
154 4A how-to-obtain
155 4B is-obtainable
156 4C tabular-data
157 4D github-commit-id
159 4F mark
160 4G do-not-use
161 4H mod
162 4I used-by
163 4J uses
164 4K multiplane-planecode
165 4L ontomata-class-id
166 4M name-in-halacae
167 4N sandboxels-wiki-id
168 4O sandboxels-feedback-id
169 4P exact-match
171 4R announcement-url
172 4S announced-in
173 4T file-format
174 4U duration
175 4V programming-language
176 4W example-value
177 4X regular-expression
178 4Y multiplane-union
179 4Z urn-formatter
180 50 multiplane-range
181 51 object-identifier
182 52 multiletter-alpha-code
183 53 two-letter-alpha-code
184 54 urn
185 55 uuid
186 56 r74n-schema-id
187 57 application-identifier
188 58 ark
189 59 x-500dn
190 5A purl-org-id
191 5B w3id
192 5C github-issue-url
193 5D github-pull-request-url
194 5E doi
195 5F url-parameter
197 5H mediawiki-namespace
198 5I time-of-day
199 5J time-zone
200 5K discord-event-id
201 5L r74n-requested-id-namespace
202 5M email-address
203 5N award-received
204 5O award-nominated
205 5P social-media-url
206 5Q ant-id
207 5R colony-id
208 5S youtube-video-id
209 5T instagram-post-id
210 5U imgur-album-id
211 5V idea-date
212 5W sandboxels-wiki-username
213 5X every-ant-on-earth-location-id
214 5Y idea-by
215 5Z miraheze-article-id
216 60 license
217 61 reddit-post-id
218 62 osf-id
219 63 html-element-id
220 64 html-button-id
221 65 r74n-newsletter-article-id
222 66 wikimedia-url
223 67 notable-work
224 68 replies-to
225 69 speed
226 6A google-news-topic-id
227 6B javascript-command
228 6C data-size
229 6D css-class-name
230 6E gamefaqs-game-id
231 6F twitch-category-id
232 6G gamerprofiles-game-id
233 6H review-score
234 6I scribd-document-id

Alternative Identifiers

(No PIX allowed)
OIDplus Information Object Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
(No PIX allowed)
Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816) More information
guid:5f5dc91d-4cdf-8000-a6d3-ac482c246aabOIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) More information
guid:98d24cc9-c725-3be6-9b52-78fac44816dfName based version 3 / MD5 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:279cacdb-af45-527c-b779-cc5cd90aec3bName based version 5 / SHA1 UUID with namespace UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:62-C7-58-B5-64-F8OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Unicast (AAI)
mac:63-C7-58-B5-64-F8OIDplus Information Object MAC address, Multicast (AAI)
weid:pen:1B5P-B-8WEID notation More information
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

REST API (Documentation)

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Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Object Identifier (OID)
     oid: | -- R74n
          oid: | -- R74n Wikibase property
               oid: | -- Instance of
               oid: | -- Subclass of
               oid: | -- Has part
               oid: | -- Part of
               oid: | -- Different from
               oid: | -- URL
               oid: | -- Start date
               oid: | -- End date
               oid: | -- Developed by
               oid: | -- Published by
               oid: | -- Icon URL
               oid: | -- Social media account
               oid: | -- Named after
               oid: | -- Name
               oid: | -- URL formatter
               oid: | -- Release date
               oid: | -- User manual URL
               oid: | -- Changelog URL
               oid: | -- Feedback URL
               oid: | -- Image URL
               oid: | -- Has quality
               oid: | -- Username
               oid: | -- Wiki URL
               oid: | -- Terms of service URL
               oid: | -- Subproperty of
               oid: | -- Identifier
               oid: | -- Invite URL
               oid: | -- Hashtag
               oid: | -- Owner
               oid: | -- Creator
               oid: | -- Mirror URL
               oid: | -- Clarification text
               oid: | -- Embed URL
               oid: | -- Urban Dictionary term
               oid: | -- Artist
               oid: | -- Item represented
               oid: | -- Subtitle
               oid: | -- External URL
               oid: | -- About page URL
               oid: | -- Search URL formatter
               oid: | -- Slug
               oid: | -- Forum URL
               oid: | -- Catalog URL
               oid: | -- Giant Bomb ID
               oid: | -- Internet Archive ID
               oid: | -- External definition URL
               oid: | -- Fandom article ID
               oid: | -- Mod list URL
               oid: | -- Donation URL
               oid: | -- IGDB ID
               oid: | -- Unit Converter ID
               oid: | -- Combines lexemes
               oid: | -- Numerical value
               oid: | -- Has property
               oid: | -- Qualifier
               oid: | -- Color code
               oid: | -- Google Knowledge Graph ID
               oid: | -- Creator string
               oid: | -- Date
               oid: | -- Quora topic ID
               oid: | -- Source code repo URL
               oid: | -- Sitemap URL
               oid: | -- Stylesheet URL
               oid: | -- Map URL
               oid: | -- Unit conversion
               oid: | -- Vglist ID
               oid: | -- Archive URL
               oid: | -- Safety checker URL
               oid: | -- Similarweb ID
               oid: | -- Derived from lexeme
               oid: | -- R74n Wikibase category
               oid: | -- Of
               oid: | -- Example item
               oid: | -- Download URL
               oid: | -- Replaces
               oid: | -- Replaced by
               oid: | -- Price
               oid: | -- Coordinate location
               oid: | -- Location
               oid: | -- Depth
               oid: | -- Length
               oid: | -- Width
               oid: | -- Height
               oid: | -- Discord username
               oid: | -- Cover image URL
               oid: | -- Video URL
               oid: | -- Language code
               oid: | -- Creates
               oid: | -- Lower state
               oid: | -- Higher state
               oid: | -- Used in elements
               oid: | -- Temperature
               oid: | -- Members
               oid: | -- R74n Wikibase page name
               oid: | -- R74n Wikibase query
               oid: | -- Entity schema
               oid: | -- Made through
               oid: | -- Components
               oid: | -- Opposite
               oid: | -- Num. of elements in category
               oid: | -- Hello in language
               oid: | -- Added feature
               oid: | -- Minimum value
               oid: | -- Maximum value
               oid: | -- Density
               oid: | -- Follows
               oid: | -- Followed by
               oid: | -- Data type
               oid: | -- Value data type
               oid: | -- Unit of value
               oid: | -- Option
               oid: | -- Elemental on Discord element ID
               oid: | -- Position on leaderboard
               oid: | -- Has amount
               oid: | -- Removed feature
               oid: | -- Winner
               oid: | -- Candidate
               oid: | -- Votes received
               oid: | -- Archived on
               oid: | -- Downvotes received
               oid: | -- Uploader
               oid: | -- Date of birth
               oid: | -- Date of death
               oid: | -- Date of discovery
               oid: | -- Abstain votes received
               oid: | -- Based on
               oid: | -- Quotation
               oid: | -- Featured on
               oid: | -- Main subject
               oid: | -- Language
               oid: | -- Imager
               oid: | -- Colorer
               oid: | -- Commenter
               oid: | -- With quantities of
               oid: | -- R74n Link Shortener ID
               oid: | -- Creation message ID
               oid: | -- Allowed roles or users
               oid: | -- Permission
               oid: | -- Has role
               oid: | -- Has use
               oid: | -- Attested in
               oid: | -- Tweet ID
               oid: | -- TikTok video ID
               oid: | -- Links to
               oid: | -- Cradle ID
               oid: | -- Key bind
               oid: | -- Emanation coordinates
               oid: | -- Alexa.com ID
               oid: | -- Depicts
               oid: | -- Interested in
               oid: | -- Preferred channel
               oid: | -- How to obtain
               oid: | -- Is obtainable
               oid: | -- Tabular data
               oid: | -- GitHub commit ID
               oid: | -- Mark
               oid: | -- Do not use
               oid: | -- Mod
               oid: | -- Used by
               oid: | -- Uses
               oid: | -- Multiplane planecode
               oid: | -- Ontomata class ID
               oid: | -- Name in Halacae
               oid: | -- Sandboxels Wiki ID
               oid: | -- Sandboxels feedback ID
               oid: | -- Exact match
               oid: | -- Announcement URL
               oid: | -- Announced in
               oid: | -- File format
               oid: | -- Duration
               oid: | -- Programming language
               oid: | -- Example value
               oid: | -- Regular expression
               oid: | -- Multiplane union
               oid: | -- URN formatter
               oid: | -- Multiplane range
               oid: | -- Object identifier
               oid: | -- Multiletter Alpha Code
               oid: | -- Two-letter Alpha Code
               oid: | -- URN
               oid: | -- UUID
               oid: | -- R74n Schema ID
               oid: | -- Application identifier
               oid: | -- ARK
               oid: | -- X.500DN
               oid: | -- PURL.org ID
               oid: | -- W3ID
               oid: | -- GitHub issue URL
               oid: | -- GitHub pull request URL
               oid: | -- DOI
               oid: | -- URL parameter
               oid: | -- MediaWiki namespace
               oid: | -- Time of day
               oid: | -- Time zone
               oid: | -- Discord event ID
               oid: | -- R74n Requested ID Namespace
               oid: | -- Email address
               oid: | -- Award received
               oid: | -- Award nominated
               oid: | -- Social media URL
               oid: | -- Ant ID
               oid: | -- Colony ID
               oid: | -- YouTube video ID
               oid: | -- Instagram post ID
               oid: | -- Imgur album ID
               oid: | -- Idea date
               oid: | -- Sandboxels Wiki username
               oid: | -- Every Ant on Earth location ID
               oid: | -- Idea by
               oid: | -- Miraheze article ID
               oid: | -- License
               oid: | -- Reddit post ID
               oid: | -- OSF ID
               oid: | -- HTML element ID
               oid: | -- HTML button ID
               oid: | -- R74n Newsletter article ID
               oid: | -- Wikimedia URL
               oid: | -- Notable work
               oid: | -- Replies to
               oid: | -- Speed
               oid: | -- Google News topic ID
               oid: | -- JavaScript command
               oid: | -- Data size
               oid: | -- CSS class name
               oid: | -- GameFAQs game ID
               oid: | -- Twitch category ID
               oid: | -- GamerProfiles game ID
               oid: | -- Review score
               oid: | -- Scribd document ID
aid: | Application Identifier (ISO/IEC 7816)
domain: | Domain Names
fourcc: | Four-Character-Code (FourCC)
gs1: | GS1 Based IDs (GLN/GTIN/SSCC/...)
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4 Network Blocks
ipv6: | IPv6 Network Blocks
java: | Java Package Names
mac: | MAC adresses (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
other: | Other objects
php: | PHP Namespaces
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
doi: | Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:login | Login
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:search | Search
oidplus:resources | Documents and Resources
oidplus:contact | Contact administrator