webfandns [OIDPlus ObjectTypePlugin]

Zurückkehren Übergeordnet: Host Object Type (

Technische Informationen

ASN.1-Notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 freeoid(9000) 108 frdlweb-oidplus(1000) host(100027) webfandns(2) }
OID-IRI-Notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/37476/FreeOID/108/Products/host/2
WEID-Notation: weid:pen:SX0-6Y0-30-RS-256J-2-2
DER-Kodierung: 06:11:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A4:64:C6:28:6C:87:68:86:8D:3B:02


type: OIDPlus ObjectTypePlugin webfandns

combines the idea of frdl/frdl-oidplus-plugin-type-host and frdl/frdl-oidplus-plugin-type-weid as it:

  • OIDPlus ObjectType webfandns inherits from host its dot notation syntax (domain names). It is not just called host or dns to provide a separation of the generic schema and webfan specific service arcs...
  • Links the WEID/NS/DNS representation of this Host as in /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/Frdlweb/weid/9/dns
  • Shows the host type repersentation, e.g.: Hostname dns:example.org
  • Shows the OID representation of the host computed from its WEID subordinated to
  • @ToDo: Link, manage application or service specific objects and interfaces....




WEID representation of this Host as in /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/Frdlweb/weid/9/dns weid:9-DNS-ORG-EXAMPLE-WFPU-0
Hostname dns:wfpu.example.org
OID representation of this Host oid:


E-Mail: till@webfan.de
Till Wehowski
Webfan Homepagesystem
Wattenscheider Straße
44793 Bochum

Untergeordnete Objekte

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (kommagetrennt) IRI IDs (Kommagetrennt) RA Kommentar Erstellt Geändert
Keine Einträge vorhanden

Alternative Bezeichner

(Keine PIX erlaubt)
OIDplus Information Object Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
guid:005e3ad6-49bf-8000-a6d3-cc69b7650260OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) Mehr Informationen
guid:3c1eb637-7599-3bc4-874c-840a1f885ffeNamensbasierte Version 3 / MD5 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:179040dd-2434-5b3f-8477-026d808a5743Namensbasierte Version 5 / SHA1 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:72-EB-D6-11-1B-B9OIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
mac:73-EB-D6-11-1B-B9OIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
weid:pen:SX0-6Y0-30-RS-256J-2-2WEID-Notation Mehr Informationen
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

REST API (Dokumentation)

Teilen Statischer Link zu dieser Seite

Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Objekt-Bezeichner (OID)
     oid: | -- Host Object Type
          oid: | -- webfandns [OIDPlus ObjectTypePlugin]
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4-Netzwerk-Blöcke
ipv6: | IPv6-Netzwerk-Blöcke
domain: | Domain-Namen
fourcc: | Vier-Zeichen-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816)
mac: | MAC-Adressen (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP-Namensräume
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:login | Anmelden
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Kostenlose OID registrieren
oidplus:search | Suche
oidplus:resources | Dokumente und Ressourcen
oidplus:contact | Administrator kontaktieren