PCI Vendor/Product based AID

Zurückkehren Übergeordnet: Device vendor based AID (D276000186F3)

D276000186 F 3 02


D276000186F302   ISO/IEC 7816 Application Identifier (AID)
                 > D2:76:00:01:86:F3:02 <
D276000186       Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID)
D                Category D: Local/National registration
 276             ISO/IEC 3166-1 Numeric Country code : 276 (Germany)
    000186       Assigned number, BCD recommended
          F302   Proprietary application identifier extension (PIX)


PCI-SIG (pcisig.com) VendorID based AID (up to 40 application-specific bits)


D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 + 16 bit VendorID (4 nibbles BigEndian binary) + 16 bit ProductID (4 nibbles BigEndian binary, or 0x0000 for product independent) + [ application-defined bits ]

There is no delimiter between vendor ID, product ID, and application defined bits, because the vendor ID and product ID have a fixed length of 16 bits


D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 14 EB                       = PCI Vendor ID 0x14EB (EPSON), no application-specific part allowed
D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 14 EB 00 00                = PCI Vendor ID 0x14EB (EPSON), product-independent (0x0000), without application-specific part
D2 76 00 01 86 F3 02 14 EB 00 00 __ __ __ __ __  = PCI Vendor ID 0x14EB (EPSON), product-independent (0x0000), with 0-40 bits application-specific part


The übergeordnete Zertifizierungsstelle hat keine Zertifizierungsstelle für diesen Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) festgelegt.

Untergeordnete Objekte

ID RA Kommentar Erstellt Geändert
Keine Einträge vorhanden

Alternative Bezeichner

guid:005e3ad6-4d24-8000-a571-8777d67a1196OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) Mehr Informationen
mac:42-B7-5B-93-39-DBOIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
mac:43-B7-5B-93-39-DBOIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
oid: Information Object OID
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

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oidplus:system | System
oid: | Objekt-Bezeichner (OID)
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4-Netzwerk-Blöcke
ipv6: | IPv6-Netzwerk-Blöcke
domain: | Domain-Namen
fourcc: | Vier-Zeichen-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816)
     aid:D276000186F3 | -- Device vendor based AID
          aid:D276000186F302 | -- PCI Vendor/Product based AID
mac: | MAC-Adressen (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP-Namensräume
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
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