
Zurückkehren Übergeordnet: ViaThinkSoft (

Technische Informationen

ASN.1-Notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 products(2) }
OID-IRI-Notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/37476/Products
WEID-Notation: weid:pen:SX0-2-7
DER-Kodierung: 06:09:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A4:64:02


Definition in the Assignment Advisory:

Product specific objects, for example ASN.1 modules used in products shall be added here only.

When you create a project through the Login area of ViaThinkSoft, the project automatically gets an OID assigned under this arc, which may be used by the project leader.

The alphanumeric identifier needs to be the "internal identifier" which is also used for SVN/GIT repositories, etc.

If a project shall be transferred to a different project leader, please contact


Daniel Marschall

Untergeordnete Objekte

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (kommagetrennt) IRI IDs (Kommagetrennt) RA Kommentar Erstellt Geändert
1 1 statmon, statusmon, statusMonitor StatusMon ViaThinkSoft 2011-03-22 2019-03-11
2 2 decoder DeCoder ViaThinkSoft 2020-02-24
3 3 vnag VNag ViaThinkSoft 2020-02-24
4 4 alarming Alarming ViaThinkSoft 2019-05-06 2019-05-06
5 5 oidplus OIDplus ViaThinkSoft 2019-05-13 2019-05-13
6 6 vtswebportal Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
7 7 personal-webbase Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
8 8 spacemission Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
9 9 colormanager Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
10 A dpg2 Michael Düpjohann 2020-03-06
11 B bdeinstaller Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
12 C xshell Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
13 D gamecreator Michael Düpjohann 2020-03-06
14 E thinkbug Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
15 F alphachat Michael Düpjohann 2020-03-06
16 G musikbox Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
17 H stlnman Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
18 I battle-center Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
19 J aysalia Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
20 K soundswitch Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
21 L dpcstudio Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
22 M stackman Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
23 N laninstall Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
24 O filmeverwaltung Michael Düpjohann 2020-03-06
25 P sigma Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
26 Q dateibrowser Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
27 R midirec Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
28 S gastro-websoft Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
29 T mymoozle Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
30 U recyclebinunit Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
31 V vwhois Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
32 W multidump Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
33 X amazontw Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
34 Y yt-downloader Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
35 Z productpostagging Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
36 10 vgwhois Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
37 11 cryptochat Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
38 12 oidconverter Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
39 13 blownaway Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
40 14 userdetect2 Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
41 15 jumper Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
42 16 autosfx Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
43 17 audioplayer Thomas Bretzke 2020-03-06
44 18 lightgame Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
45 19 tmpe Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2020-03-06
46 1A webcounter Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
47 1B currency-converter Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
48 1C fastphp Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
49 1D forest Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
50 1E mediontablet Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
51 1F logviewer Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
52 1G winbugtracker Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
53 1H calllib Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
54 1I indexer-suite Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
55 1J ipe-artfile-utils Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
56 1K prepend Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
57 1L php-guestbook Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
58 1M oidbase-api, oidinfo-api Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2025-01-03
59 1N php-antispam Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
60 1O mystic-house Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06 2020-03-06
61 1P sonnenbaum Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
62 1Q plumbers Daniel Marschall 2020-03-06
63 1R simple-log-event Daniel Marschall 2020-04-30
64 1S fileformats Daniel Marschall 2020-05-17
65 1T oidplus-website Daniel Marschall 2020-10-29 2021-12-12
66 1U checksum-tools Daniel Marschall 2020-11-11
67 1V ht46f47-simulator Daniel Marschall 2021-02-14
68 1W uuid-mac-utils Daniel Marschall 2021-05-26
69 1X php-utils Daniel Marschall 2021-05-26
70 1Y php-clientchallenge Daniel Marschall 2021-06-06
71 1Z evolispatch Daniel Marschall 2021-06-16
72 20 filter-foundry Daniel Marschall 2021-07-05 2024-06-08
73 21 vipitec Victor-Philipp Negoescu 2022-12-23
74 22 gridgame Daniel Marschall 2023-12-23
75 23 cmdb2 Daniel Marschall 2024-09-26
76 24 delphiutils Daniel Marschall 2025-02-02

Alternative Bezeichner

(Keine PIX erlaubt)
OIDplus Information Object Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
(Keine PIX erlaubt)
Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
(Keine PIX erlaubt)
Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
guid:005e3ad6-3ac7-8000-a6d3-502bbf9c8749OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) Mehr Informationen
guid:7fe1a97b-2738-3836-9aca-41242d4cabaaNamensbasierte Version 3 / MD5 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:58bcb1c1-2c50-5031-a06d-89515c990098Namensbasierte Version 5 / SHA1 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:02-D5-A0-36-79-1COIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
mac:03-D5-A0-36-79-1COIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
weid:pen:SX0-2-7WEID-Notation Mehr Informationen
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

OID-IP: Text, JSON, XML (Dokumentation)
REST API (Dokumentation)

Teilen Statischer Link zu dieser Seite

Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Objekt-Bezeichner (OID)
     oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft
          oid: | -- Products
               oid: | -- Status monitor
               oid: | -- (De)Coder
               oid: | -- VNag
               oid: | -- Alarming
               oid: | -- OIDplus
               oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft Webportal
               oid: | -- Personal WebBase
               oid: | -- SpaceMission
               oid: | -- ColorManager
               oid: | -- Der Panzergeneral 2
               oid: | -- BDE-Installer
               oid: | -- X-Shell
               oid: | -- Gamecreator
               oid: | -- thinkBug
               oid: | -- Alpha-Chat
               oid: | -- MusikBox
               oid: | -- Stundenlohn Manager
               oid: | --
               oid: | -- Aysalia
               oid: | -- Sound Switch
               oid: | -- Digital Plain Color Studio - Bitmap Utilities
               oid: | -- Stack Manager
               oid: | -- LAN Install
               oid: | -- Filmeverwaltung
               oid: | -- Sigma
               oid: | -- PHP Dateibrowser
               oid: | -- Batch MIDI Recorder
               oid: | -- Gastro WebSoft
               oid: | -- myMoozle
               oid: | -- Recycle Bin Unit for Delphi
               oid: | -- Free WhoIs and Domain Tools
               oid: | -- MultiDump
               oid: | -- Topic Webseiten
               oid: | -- YouTube Downloader
               oid: | -- Teilüberwachtes POS-Tagging von Produktbewertungen
               oid: | -- VGWhoIs - ViaThinkSoft Global WhoIs
               oid: | -- CryptoChat
               oid: | -- OID<->DER converter
               oid: | -- Blown Away
               oid: | -- UserDetect2
               oid: | -- Peg Solitaire
               oid: | -- AutoSFX
               oid: | -- taccon audioplayer3
               oid: | -- Light game
               oid: | -- Traffic Manager: President Edition
               oid: | -- Free web counter for your homepage!
               oid: | -- Currency Converter
               oid: | -- FastPHP
               oid: | -- Nightmare Forest
               oid: | -- Medion Tablet Treiber for Win 8, 8.1 und 10
               oid: | -- LogViewer
               oid: | -- Bugtracker for Windows
               oid: | -- CallLib - Phone call library to initiate phone call over TAPI
               oid: | -- Indexer Suite
               oid: | -- Imagination Pilots ART-File packer/unpacker
               oid: | -- PHP prepend scripts for compatibility
               oid: | -- PHP-Guestbook
               oid: | -- API for PHP
               oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft AntiSpam for PHP
               oid: | -- Mystic House und Yucatan 32-bit Patch
               oid: | -- L'arbre du soleil - Der Sonnenbaum
               oid: | -- Plumbers Don't Wear Ties
               oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft SimpleLogEvent
               oid: | -- File Format detection in PHP
               oid: | -- OIDplus Product Page
               oid: | -- Directory checksum generator and verifier (Verify SFV and MD5 files recursively)
               oid: | -- HT46F47 simulator
               oid: | -- UUID & MAC Utils
               oid: | -- Various functions for PHP
               oid: | -- Server requests using client-challenges in order to mitigate resource starvation
               oid: | -- Evolis Pebble4/Dualys3/Tattoo2 Driver Patch for Windows 10
               oid: | -- Filter Foundry
               oid: | -- vipitec - Shop for electronic kits, components, parts and accessories
               oid: | -- Grid Game
               oid: | -- Commission Database 2.0
               oid: | -- Delphi Utils
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4-Netzwerk-Blöcke
ipv6: | IPv6-Netzwerk-Blöcke
domain: | Domain-Namen
fourcc: | Vier-Zeichen-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816)
mac: | MAC-Adressen (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP-Namensräume
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:rest_api_documentation | REST API Dokumentation
oidplus:login | Anmelden
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Kostenlose OID registrieren
oidplus:search | Suche
oidplus:resources | Dokumente und Ressourcen
oidplus:contact | Administrator kontaktieren