Instances of OIDplus 2.0 systems

Zurückkehren Übergeordnet: ViaThinkSoft OIDplus (

Technische Informationen

ASN.1-Notation: { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 oidplus(30) instances(9) }
OID-IRI-Notation: /ISO/Identified-Organization/6/1/4/1/37476/OIDplus/Instances
WEID-Notation: weid:pen:SX0-U-9-6
DER-Kodierung: 06:0A:2B:06:01:04:01:82:A4:64:1E:09


This arc contains a directory of all OIDplus 2.x systems world-wide. Administrators can choose if they want to register their OIDplus instance to ViaThinkSoft, so that it gets published in this directory. Even if they do not register their instance, they will still own an arc under this OID that is assigned to their instance.

Every OIDplus 2.x instance generates a RSA public/private key pair that is used for various purposes and that should be unique.

The first-level children of this OID is the System-ID which is calculated using the lower 31 bits of a the SHA1 checksum of the public RSA key.

The second-level children of this OID are objects (in the format "{namespace}:{identifier}" for official ViaThinkSoft object types and the format "{plugin oid}:{identifier}" for third-party object types) that are managed by this system. Their numeric value is the same 31-bit checksum algorithm that is used for the system ID.

Annotation: Since many OID implementations are limited in their maximum arc size, ViaThinkSoft has chosen to implement this 31 bit hash algorithm instead of using UUIDs.


Daniel Marschall

Untergeordnete Objekte

ID Base36 ASN.1 IDs (kommagetrennt) IRI IDs (Kommagetrennt) RA Kommentar Erstellt Geändert
6175446 3OD06 2019-04-05 2024-09-15
211014765 3HMS19 2022-04-20 2024-09-15
419229194 6XLJBE 2024-02-11 2024-09-15
649214227 AQIWWJ 2022-10-15 2024-09-15
1115203052 IFYO6K 2022-10-25 2024-09-15
1200619210 JUTFPM 2022-04-20 2024-09-15
1491629917 OO2T0D 2024-06-18 2024-09-15
1530250353 PB2KQ9 2024-07-18 2024-09-15
1542975656 PINBMW 2023-11-15 2024-09-15
1599981853 QGL5WD 2023-11-15 2024-09-15
1855139287 UOI2MV 2019-04-06 2024-09-15
2000089173 X2SUOL 2024-07-19 2024-09-15
2100915359 YQTWNZ 2024-07-19 2024-09-15

Alternative Bezeichner

(Keine PIX erlaubt)
OIDplus Information Object Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
(Keine PIX erlaubt)
Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) Mehr Informationen
guid:005e3ad6-4647-8000-a6d3-1f35e9a7b24aOIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562) Mehr Informationen
guid:619e8b58-5efd-3f22-9541-acb5b3944f5eNamensbasierte Version 3 / MD5 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
guid:934b1bec-bd04-5158-b02e-e499758435e0Namensbasierte Version 5 / SHA1 UUID mit Namensraum UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID
mac:42-30-18-7D-EB-B4OIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
mac:43-30-18-7D-EB-B4OIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI)
weid:pen:SX0-U-9-6WEID-Notation Mehr Informationen
x500dn:/​dc=com/​dc=example/​cn=oidplus/​​ Information Object X.500 DN

REST API (Dokumentation)

Teilen Statischer Link zu dieser Seite

Deutsch English (USA)
oidplus:system | System
oid: | Objekt-Bezeichner (OID)
     oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft OIDplus
          oid: | -- Instances of OIDplus 2.0 systems
               oid: | -- ViaThinkSoft Registration Authority
               oid: | -- Oxiame / R. Dubois Registration Authority
               oid: | -- OIDplus 2.0 - CjyDev RA
               oid: | -- Open Physical OID Repository
               oid: | -- TsingYao OID Registration Authority
               oid: | -- HickelSOFT Registration Authority
               oid: | -- OID Registrars & OID Services Registry
               oid: | -- Frdlweb Registration Authority & Webfan Registry
               oid: | -- infernostars OID Registration Authority
               oid: | -- R74n OID Registration Authority
               oid: | -- Demo Registration Authority
               oid: | -- WEIDplus | OIDplus + Hosting Extensions
               oid: | -- X-WEID and Organization WEID Registry
guid: | Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
ipv4: | IPv4-Netzwerk-Blöcke
ipv6: | IPv6-Netzwerk-Blöcke
domain: | Domain-Namen
fourcc: | Vier-Zeichen-Code (FourCC)
aid: | Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816)
mac: | MAC-Adressen (EUI/ELI/AAI/SAI)
php: | PHP-Namensräume
x500dn: | X.500 Distinguished Name
urn: | Uniform Resource Name (URN)
oidplus:login | Anmelden
oidplus:whois | OID-IP / WHOIS
oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid | Kostenlose OID registrieren
oidplus:search | Suche
oidplus:resources | Dokumente und Ressourcen
oidplus:contact | Administrator kontaktieren