Übergeordnet: HickelSOFT / ViaThinkSoft Jointly Administered (D276000186)
D276000186 E
D276000186E ISO/IEC 7816 Application Identifier (AID)
> D2:76:00:01:86:E_ <
'\322v\000\001\206' 0xE<<4
D276000186 Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID)
D Category D: Local/National registration
276 ISO/IEC 3166-1 Numeric Country code : 276 (Germany)
000186 Assigned number, BCD recommended
E Proprietary application identifier extension (PIX)
"Example", can be used by anyone. They are not unique!
PIX with the first byte in the range E0-EF ("E" like "Example") can be used by anyone, without prior registration/permission, up to 80 bits application specific.
They should be used for documentation purposes only.
The übergeordnete Zertifizierungsstelle hat keine Zertifizierungsstelle für diesen Anwendungsbezeichner (ISO/IEC 7816) festgelegt.
Untergeordnete Objekte
ID | RA | Kommentar | Erstellt | Geändert |
D276000186 E 0 | | | 2022-09-23 | 2023-05-04 |
Alternative Bezeichner
Bezeichner | Beschreibung |
guid:005e3ad6-4b3b-8000-a571-c9d1b16174b7 | OIDplus Information Object Custom UUID (RFC 9562)  |
mac:62-77-F3-43-2E-80 | OIDplus Information Objekt Unicast MAC-Adresse (AAI) |
mac:63-77-F3-43-2E-80 | OIDplus Information Objekt Multicast MAC-Adresse (AAI) |
oid: | OIDplus Information Object OID |
x500dn:/dc=com/dc=example/cn=oidplus/ | OIDplus Information Object X.500 DN |

OID-IP: , , ()